Friday, July 21, 2006

Ah, Spinning Nirvana

This sense of peace is accomplished when spinning silk. I have only recently discovered how happy I am when spinning. (Well, that's not entirely true, I knew I was happy before, BUT I never made time for it.) Hence forth one day a week I am going to spin. Maybe only a few yards, maybe an entire 8 oz. bump, but I am going to spin. I am also going to save up for a lace flyer, a woolee winder, and a second wheel.

I promise sock pictures on Sunday.

I'll leave you with this: Firestar Silk Roving Singles. I'm plying this for my fair entry. A pretty hat you say? My thoughts exactly. Cheerios! (Wait, that's not right.) Bye!


At Saturday, July 22, 2006 11:33:00 AM, Blogger Kelly Kester said...

Thank you so much for your nice comment the other day... it's been a bad week, but I'm getting through it. Your silk looks beautiful- I have a silk hankie that I'm trying to spin on my drop spindle. I'd love to try a spinning wheel.


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